Deep Learning Movie Recommendations based on plot similarity
Deep Learning Movie Recommendations based on plot similarity using Setence Transformer
- Introduction:
In this article we are going to build a movie recommendation system, but not based on score of audience, we are going to recommend movies based on the similarity of their plots or summaries.
We are using this dataset for getting our summary of movie or plot of the movie.
Here is a very very simple website UI I made for movie recommendation based on plot Link: site, we will learn about the algorithm behind it in this article.
- We somehow need to convert this plot of the movie into a vector representation, then we can find similarity between these vectors.
- For this we are using sentence-transformer library sbert
- This library uses Siamese networks to find the similarity between two similar sentences.
- We will then convert all the plots of movies in the data-set into a vector embedding.
- Then we will find similar embedding to a given movie by using knn. k-nearest neighbors algorithm
- Why vectors:
- Once our plot summaries are converted to vectors, the plots whose summaries are semantically similar, their vector representations will be closer to each other.
- We can then use this property to train classifiers like knn or find the cosine similarity.
Sentence Bert (sbert)
- Sentence Bert or Sbert was introduced in this paper Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks
- Here they train pairwise sentences and feed them into a Siamese network. Siamese Networks take two distinct input but their weights are tied together.
- The above is the diagram of sbert is as mentioned in their paper where we are giving two inputs and then their similarity is calculated. cosine similarity. When two vectors are close their similarity is one and when they are apart their cosine similarity is zero.
- The loss is calculated by Triplet Loss which is used in siamese networks.
max( || s a − s p || − || s a − s n || + ep, 0)
- Given an anchor sentence a, a positive sentence p, and a negative sentence n, triplet loss tunes the network such that the distance between a and p is smaller than the distance between a and n. With sx the sentence embedding for a/n/p, || · || a distance metric and margin ep. Margin ep ensures that sp is at least ep closer to sa than sn . As metric the authors of paper used Euclidean distance and we set ep = 1.
Here is a very very simple website I made for movie reccomendation based on plot site. Jupyter notebook: notebook
Lets install the sentence-transformer package
!pip install -U sentence-transformers
path = "__path__to_data__"
For movie recommendations
import pandas as pd #import pandas
dfM = pd.read_csv(path)
Lets take a look at our data
Unnamed: 0 | Title | Plot | |
0 | 0 | Kansas Saloon Smashers | A bartender is working at a saloon, serving dr... |
1 | 1 | Love by the Light of the Moon | The moon, painted with a smiling face hangs ov... |
2 | 2 | The Martyred Presidents | The film, just over a minute long, is composed... |
3 | 3 | Terrible Teddy, the Grizzly King | Lasting just 61 seconds and consisting of two ... |
4 | 4 | Jack and the Beanstalk | The earliest known adaptation of the classic f... |
Unnamed: 0 | |
count | 34886.000000 |
mean | 17442.500000 |
std | 10070.865082 |
min | 0.000000 |
25% | 8721.250000 |
50% | 17442.500000 |
75% | 26163.750000 |
max | 34885.000000 |
There are total 34,886 movie entries
"A bartender is working at a saloon, serving drinks to customers. After he fills a stereotypically Irish man's bucket with beer, Carrie Nation and her followers burst inside. They assault the Irish man, pulling his hat over his eyes and then dumping the beer over his head. The group then begin wrecking the bar, smashing the fixtures, mirrors, and breaking the cash register. The bartender then sprays seltzer water in Nation's face before a group of policemen appear and order everybody to leave.[1]"
Looks like we need some data cleaning, there are reference numbers like [1] [2] from wikipedia, we want to remove that.
import re #for data cleaning
Writing a function that takes a row of dataframe dfM as argument and then cleans the data
def cleanRow(row):
cleanData = re.sub('\[\d+\]','',row['Plot']) #this finds all the [number] in string and replaces it with empty string ''
return cleanData
Lets test in on first entry of our dataframe
"A bartender is working at a saloon, serving drinks to customers. After he fills a stereotypically Irish man's bucket with beer, Carrie Nation and her followers burst inside. They assault the Irish man, pulling his hat over his eyes and then dumping the beer over his head. The group then begin wrecking the bar, smashing the fixtures, mirrors, and breaking the cash register. The bartender then sprays seltzer water in Nation's face before a group of policemen appear and order everybody to leave."
Applying the cleanRow() function to all the rows in our dataframe
dfM['cleanPlot'] = dfM.apply(lambda row: cleanRow(row),axis = 1)
As you can see all the reference numbers are gone. Now the rest is very simple, we just need to pass these plots into our sentence transformer model
Unnamed: 0 | Title | Plot | cleanPlot | |
0 | 0 | Kansas Saloon Smashers | A bartender is working at a saloon, serving dr... | A bartender is working at a saloon, serving dr... |
1 | 1 | Love by the Light of the Moon | The moon, painted with a smiling face hangs ov... | The moon, painted with a smiling face hangs ov... |
2 | 2 | The Martyred Presidents | The film, just over a minute long, is composed... | The film, just over a minute long, is composed... |
3 | 3 | Terrible Teddy, the Grizzly King | Lasting just 61 seconds and consisting of two ... | Lasting just 61 seconds and consisting of two ... |
4 | 4 | Jack and the Beanstalk | The earliest known adaptation of the classic f... | The earliest known adaptation of the classic f... |
Importing our model
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
We are using a pre-trained model. Here is the list of all pre-trained models available in the library models
model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2')
Using GPU
model = model.cuda()
This is the step where we get our embeddings in return, The sentence-transformer package made it very easy to compute all these vector embeddings
The model can take some time to process all 34,886 embeddings
embeds = model.encode(dfM['cleanPlot'])
As you can see all 34,886 movie plots are converted to embeddings of 384 shape.
(34886, 384)
array([-2.12161932e-02, 3.00669353e-02, -2.20030937e-02, -4.86579239e-02,
4.65949513e-02, 1.39347359e-03, 1.11619830e-01, -1.05095394e-01,
1.64841451e-02, -6.58066571e-02, 4.28134426e-02, -8.68948922e-02,
-6.84939772e-02, 4.01585288e-02, -4.27194089e-02, -2.80906223e-02,
-5.49537353e-02, -1.82290319e-02, 1.69992838e-02, -1.23173064e-02,
-7.43851960e-02, 1.77508891e-02, -2.53297910e-02, 4.20343839e-02,
-1.91297680e-02, -5.33761717e-02, 7.73109645e-02, 3.12473997e-02,
-1.56767934e-03, -1.35527225e-02, 7.67379850e-02, -8.90569668e-03,
1.67426597e-02, 5.27440123e-02, -5.66607080e-02, -3.37757282e-02,
8.18887725e-02, 4.01530862e-02, 7.09116757e-02, 1.03832453e-01,
1.21762659e-02, -3.67102958e-02, -5.90380980e-03, 2.12801900e-02,
8.85269195e-02, 6.31055385e-02, 2.16334965e-03, 5.64815775e-02,
3.59476879e-02, -1.78708490e-02, -1.78310033e-02, -3.49012762e-02,
3.46690491e-02, 9.72064678e-03, 7.44531751e-02, -1.16908140e-01,
3.73819843e-02, -5.11367582e-02, 4.22328897e-02, 3.78267169e-02,
1.63187031e-02, 5.04687522e-03, 2.46317796e-02, 3.04010902e-02,
1.50619701e-01, -3.56495380e-02, -5.36321253e-02, 8.55351016e-02,
-3.40821519e-02, 5.93329929e-02, 8.72676633e-03, -7.47592598e-02,
-4.54675360e-03, -3.00062858e-02, -6.03364520e-02, -1.04080379e-01,
-3.90730537e-02, -5.85835893e-03, -2.94597242e-02, 3.58620211e-02,
-1.06213533e-03, -9.85332131e-02, 4.84071067e-03, 2.71317679e-02,
-4.01531942e-02, 2.14641970e-02, -2.77724639e-02, -3.90547998e-02,
-2.76160473e-03, 2.16669478e-02, -8.57357532e-02, 2.96338787e-03,
6.09617680e-02, -5.41299097e-02, 6.71687871e-02, 2.81013753e-02,
5.57972118e-03, -5.57486415e-02, -1.56321712e-02, 1.21677339e-01,
-4.05702787e-03, 5.93564734e-02, -6.29780367e-02, -1.05312131e-01,
4.67817038e-02, -4.07967484e-03, -3.97506095e-02, 5.87533079e-02,
1.52943190e-02, 7.57013028e-03, 4.88090850e-02, 1.25311660e-02,
-4.22780551e-02, -1.42411357e-02, 2.57545151e-02, -8.54073616e-04,
-1.66485645e-02, -5.17073972e-03, -3.01484037e-02, -1.58574600e-02,
5.78604825e-02, 1.02385513e-01, -8.68215635e-02, 1.02301970e-01,
-3.84437330e-02, 5.46138026e-02, 7.97055941e-03, 7.63060632e-34,
-2.24114433e-02, -9.86156464e-02, 1.81630906e-02, 1.85835790e-02,
1.41446248e-01, -3.30856144e-02, -4.57095578e-02, -4.95120557e-03,
-7.19193444e-02, -2.60208230e-02, -3.07247434e-02, -1.18188195e-01,
-8.46335888e-02, 2.52517289e-03, -1.09469739e-03, -2.53156642e-03,
-3.50408666e-02, -6.56299759e-03, -8.39504506e-03, -3.71534228e-02,
-1.75888669e-02, 3.65182981e-02, -6.39306009e-02, 7.10733980e-02,
-7.85688162e-02, 3.61557642e-04, 4.50520813e-02, 1.12867346e-02,
1.08463988e-01, -1.37030007e-02, -3.18820998e-02, 1.30245566e-01,
1.42632015e-02, 7.63415964e-03, 6.20989203e-02, -2.29522195e-02,
-5.94718673e-04, 2.48584021e-02, -3.66474204e-02, 3.65234772e-03,
-1.44974768e-01, 5.28973863e-02, 4.52945791e-02, 6.01990940e-03,
-7.22688287e-02, -6.30701473e-03, -7.26218373e-02, 1.22512756e-02,
1.18219871e-02, 9.79589950e-03, -3.75862699e-03, 2.97069009e-02,
7.04168975e-02, 3.98568250e-02, 4.75154631e-02, -1.91271100e-02,
-7.73595832e-03, 1.64352413e-02, 2.35282648e-02, -2.18547750e-02,
3.24454792e-02, 1.68896634e-02, -6.22175913e-03, 2.84431167e-02,
3.44861448e-02, 2.11522710e-02, -8.96190293e-03, 5.72916027e-03,
5.96740954e-02, -9.62257907e-02, -5.94271943e-02, 9.25972834e-02,
1.03072040e-02, -1.71594545e-02, -4.75794226e-02, 5.50725050e-02,
6.05137199e-02, 1.04070073e-02, -6.05522767e-02, -1.14610931e-02,
-1.43278120e-02, -6.87917247e-02, 7.82089531e-02, -2.73606163e-02,
-2.98696309e-02, -6.65436313e-02, 5.31267785e-02, -1.70934767e-01,
-2.89114658e-03, 7.08695799e-02, -7.69388378e-02, -4.90841046e-02,
3.19597349e-02, 2.79412735e-02, 2.70547923e-02, -2.49645172e-33,
5.78023717e-02, -7.34835789e-02, -1.85252670e-02, 1.71814058e-02,
6.99770972e-02, -6.29613027e-02, 9.09064338e-03, 2.55967733e-02,
4.26787511e-02, 1.70449633e-02, -5.08790165e-02, 2.95289103e-02,
1.85025502e-02, 5.47559336e-02, 5.58700599e-02, -2.27008015e-02,
8.00882801e-02, 7.22413138e-02, -2.39725057e-02, -1.75498109e-02,
5.31134158e-02, 3.13796895e-03, 6.41072467e-02, -3.85736785e-04,
-1.35111762e-02, 4.10360955e-02, 3.48888487e-02, 1.92015972e-02,
-5.18765077e-02, -6.70807734e-02, 1.68664183e-03, -5.37328683e-02,
2.93370076e-02, -3.32006142e-02, -1.11329913e-01, 9.34464335e-02,
5.63973561e-02, 2.22563073e-02, -2.59201266e-02, -3.33883148e-03,
2.87980195e-02, -2.21632607e-02, -7.26132765e-02, 6.44899765e-03,
-5.15565695e-03, -1.16213514e-02, -4.05008271e-02, -6.99214311e-03,
-5.04501648e-02, -6.63406253e-02, 8.11421964e-03, -2.93816184e-03,
-4.67047468e-02, 3.32037807e-02, -2.27790102e-02, -4.15245183e-02,
9.77905467e-02, -1.03601329e-02, -8.40062872e-02, -2.80099679e-02,
-6.11843169e-02, 1.86135340e-02, -5.19332625e-02, 3.63485143e-02,
-1.71496104e-02, -1.43257439e-01, -4.53802124e-02, 6.28079921e-02,
6.16132244e-02, -5.45926504e-02, 5.32125607e-02, -7.56241530e-02,
-3.51599343e-02, 2.52744406e-02, 1.98267363e-02, -8.18747189e-03,
4.13149782e-03, -2.47631762e-02, -1.34273255e-02, -1.88834481e-02,
-8.36074501e-02, -5.29852472e-02, 9.59480554e-03, 1.48206130e-01,
3.39602418e-02, 3.69826169e-03, 1.82431370e-01, 4.77819033e-02,
1.27401119e-02, 6.84745833e-02, 4.29175794e-02, 5.38143422e-03,
-2.99710850e-03, -1.81393530e-02, 5.16400635e-02, -4.52007143e-08,
-7.68637732e-02, -1.69737265e-02, -4.30625565e-02, 2.08788402e-02,
-1.04042813e-02, -2.27654558e-02, 2.11840980e-02, 1.58817414e-03,
-4.82034646e-02, -2.78107990e-02, -5.23242541e-02, 4.29890677e-02,
2.07168283e-03, -2.70264223e-02, -4.23216596e-02, -1.93599407e-02,
2.19480824e-02, -2.70004431e-03, -5.46910837e-02, -3.04673836e-02,
-1.29334349e-02, -4.10066888e-04, 3.01454589e-02, 3.05256043e-02,
-9.82224643e-02, -1.65465742e-03, -4.35108654e-02, 4.69615050e-02,
-2.35710703e-02, 9.44132283e-02, 7.22733443e-04, 2.42961440e-02,
-6.73146844e-02, -3.48870456e-02, -4.11168300e-02, -4.61550150e-03,
-6.66172653e-02, -1.88828725e-02, 3.81046534e-02, -5.35625927e-02,
-4.48297784e-02, -7.92523474e-02, -2.86041247e-03, -2.63251476e-02,
1.77027714e-02, 4.87428345e-03, 2.56778002e-02, 5.99750429e-02,
1.48795592e-02, 3.10689136e-02, 7.98457190e-02, -9.92197264e-03,
4.69778990e-03, 3.75730954e-02, 4.95770089e-02, -4.56519350e-02,
-3.13913710e-02, 1.40139274e-02, -1.23726502e-02, -4.06946428e-02,
1.14586137e-01, 4.19088086e-04, 4.95863743e-02, 2.86626667e-02],
If you wish you can store the embeddings in our dataframe
dfM['embeddings'] = embeds.tolist()
Now lets predict some movie recommendations, we are going to train our knn
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
import numpy as np
neighbors = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=15)['embeddings'].tolist())#fitting our data
NearestNeighbors(algorithm='auto', leaf_size=30, metric='minkowski',
metric_params=None, n_jobs=None, n_neighbors=15, p=2,
KNN return the distance and the index of the next 15 closest embeddings. So, lets make a dict which takes the index and returns the name of movie
idx_dict = dfM['Title'].to_dict()#making an index dictionary - index-> title of movie
'Kansas Saloon Smashers'
We need the knn to predict all the closest 15 recommendations to a given movie embeddings, we will pass the embeddings one by one and then save the 15 recommended movies index
Here is an example
(array([[0. , 0.8927627 , 0.97209753, 0.98154652, 0.98469113,
0.99231732, 0.99920433, 1.00403609, 1.01327464, 1.01370713,
1.0170882 , 1.01793011, 1.01885963, 1.02645933, 1.02752993]]),
array([[ 0, 9231, 22037, 98, 172, 10478, 8426, 1269, 25738,
431, 21299, 34853, 26449, 231, 28327]]))
Here the second array [ 0, 9231, 22037, 98, 172, 10478, 8426, 1269, 25738, 431, 21299, 34853, 26449, 231, 28327] are the index of similar movies
So the 15 movies similar to movie present at index 0 i.e “Kansas Saloon Smashers” are present at index 0, 9231, 22037, 98, 172, 10478, 8426, 1269, 25738, 431, 21299, 34853, 26449, 231, 28327
Lets print their names
recList = [ 0, 9231, 22037, 98, 172, 10478, 8426, 1269, 25738, 431, 21299, 34853, 26449, 231, 28327]
print(f"movies similar to {idx_dict[0]} are following: ")
for i in recList:
movies similar to Kansas Saloon Smashers are following:
Kansas Saloon Smashers
Dixie Dynamite
FUBAR: The Movie
The Rounders
In Again, Out Again
8 Million Ways to Die
Childish Things
Broadway to Cheyenne
The Frozen North
Black and White
Johnny Gaddar
Out West
You can see the most similar to the movie is the movie itself, that’s why their embeddings are close to each other and knn return it’s index. The rest are in increasing order of their distances
Lets write a function to apply to all embeddings saved in our dataframe
def recFun(row):#return similar movie indexes
embeds = row['embeddings']
dist,idx = neighbors.kneighbors(np.array(embeds).reshape(1,-1))
return idx[0][1:] #since the 0th will always be the same movie
Apply to the dataframe, this also can take a lot of time (upto 20 mins in my case) since we are doing it for 34,886 movies and the knn returns 15 recommendation for each.
dfM['reccomendations'] = dfM.apply(lambda row: recFun(row),axis=1)
Here are our reccomendations, they are index of that movie name in reccomendation column
Unnamed: 0 | Title | Plot | cleanPlot | embeddings | reccomendations | |
0 | 0 | Kansas Saloon Smashers | A bartender is working at a saloon, serving dr... | A bartender is working at a saloon, serving dr... | [-0.021216193214058876, 0.03006693534553051, -... | [9231, 22037, 98, 172, 10478, 8426, 1269, 2573... |
1 | 1 | Love by the Light of the Moon | The moon, painted with a smiling face hangs ov... | The moon, painted with a smiling face hangs ov... | [0.011549428105354309, 0.07491016387939453, 0.... | [14371, 28968, 28967, 23560, 27556, 7518, 8604... |
2 | 2 | The Martyred Presidents | The film, just over a minute long, is composed... | The film, just over a minute long, is composed... | [-0.019372664391994476, 0.04275871440768242, -... | [15550, 32883, 3, 39, 14897, 17522, 9139, 1038... |
3 | 3 | Terrible Teddy, the Grizzly King | Lasting just 61 seconds and consisting of two ... | Lasting just 61 seconds and consisting of two ... | [0.018185125663876534, 0.022814400494098663, 0... | [2, 19433, 14148, 2702, 9297, 12015, 431, 1261... |
4 | 4 | Jack and the Beanstalk | The earliest known adaptation of the classic f... | The earliest known adaptation of the classic f... | [-0.03626694902777672, -0.011878693476319313, ... | [16572, 5651, 6246, 16573, 4370, 33672, 598, 1... |
Now that we have recommendation for every movie in our dataset, we can implement a simple search function and return the movie recommendations
def recs(dfM,movie,idx_dict):
reccoms = dfM[dfM['Title'].str.contains(movie, na=False, case=False)].iloc[0]['reccomendations'] #finds the movie passes in dataframe
if (len(reccoms)>0):
for i in reccoms:
print(idx_dict[i])#convert index to movie name
print("movie not in database")
Movies whose plot is similar to “The godfather” are
recs(dfM,"The godfather",idx_dict)
A Bronx Tale
The Godfather Part II
The Sicilian
The Freshman
Donnie Brasco
Jane Austen's Mafia!
Jersey Boys
Avenging Angelo Baby Beethoven Baby Newton
King of New York
Black Hand
Carlito's Way
Miller's Crossing
The Brothers Rico
Family Business
Movies whose plot is similar to “ast five” are
recs(dfM,"fast five",idx_dict)
The Fast and the Furious
The Fate of the Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
Fast & Furious
Beverly Hills Cop III
The Fast and the Furious
Dawn of the Dead
Pulp Fiction
The Courtship of Andy Hardy
id_toRecs = dfM['reccomendations'].to_dict() #dictionary from index to reccomendations