Deep Learning Multilingual Sentence Similarity

Understanding Multilingual Sentence Similarity and Knowledge Distillation with Sentence-Transformers

Sentence Similarity is one of the most important tasks in Natural Language Processing. Here we will look at what exactly is semantic similarity, how a method called Multilingual Knowledge Distillation paper is used to create sentence embedding where sentences which “mean” the same things are closer to each other in vector space.

1. What is Semantic Similarity?

Semantic similarity is a metric defined over a set of documents or terms, where the idea of distance between items is based on the likeness of their meaning or semantic content as opposed to lexicographical similarity.This means that sentences which have the same meaning should be more closer to each other in vector space.

2. Existing Sentence Embeddings

There are many multilingual language models which can be used to generate sentence embeddings but they don’t necessarily put the sentence which mean the same things across multiple languages closer to each other in vector space. They sometimes put sentences in the same language closer to each other than sentences than carry the same meaning. We will see later with mBERT or multilingual BERT which was trained in 104 languages, it can produce embeddings but not necessarily put sentences with same meaning closer to each other across languages.

3. Knowledge Distillation

Knowledge distillation implements two options for creating the student mode

In this method we take two models one is a Teacher model which is trained in any one language and a Student model with a multilingual vocabulary. The Student model is trained on parallel data and the task is to minimize the distance between the embeddings produced by the Teacher Model and the Student model.

Here as you can see in the diagram the Teacher model is given “Hello World” as an input, it outputs some vector embeddings. The Student model is given two inputs one is the English sentence “Hello World” and with that it’s parallel translation “Hallo Welt”. The student model has multilingual vocabulary so it will output different embeddings for English sentence “Hello World” and for German “Hallo Welt”. The Student model is then trained to minimize the distance between it’s output of English sentence and the Teacher’s output embeddings of English Sentence. It is also trained to minimize the distance between it’s output embeddings for German sentence “Hallo Welt” and Teachers output of English sentence.

To go more in detail I will quote some portion mentioned in original paper

We require a teacher model M , that maps sentences in one or more source languages s to a dense vector space. Further, we need parallel (translated) sentences ((s1 , t1 ), …, (sn , t1)) with si a sentence in one of the source languages and ti a sentence in one of the target languages. We train a student model M^ such that M^(si ) ≈ M (si ) and M^ (ti ) ≈ M (si ).
For a given minibatch B, we minimize the mean-squared loss: loss

What the above passage means that the distance between the embeddings output by Teacher model in source language and the distance between embedding output by Student model in both target and source language should be reduced. They are using MSE to do it.

The student model learns a multilingual sentence embedding space with two important properties:

1) Vector spaces are aligned across languages,i.e., identical sentences in different languages are closer to each other

2) Vector space properties in the original source language from the teacher model are adopted and transferred to other languages.

4. Checking similarity with Sentence-Transformer

The authors of the original paper created a library to make this model easily accessible library

To install sentence-transformers

pip install -U sentence-transformers

Here I created some sentences in three languages(English,Hindi,French) which have the same meaning. Note: I heavily relied on Google Translate to translate these sentences

English Hindi French
Muiriel is 20 now. म्यूरियल अब बीस साल की हो गई है। Muiriel a vingt ans maintenant.
Education in this world disappoints me. मैं इस दुनिया में शिक्षा पर बहुत निराश हूँ। L’éducation dans ce monde me déçoit.
That won’t happen. वैसा नहीं होगा। Cela n’arrivera pas.
I miss you. मुझें तुम्हारी याद आ रही है। Tu me manques.
You should sleep. तुम्हें सोना चाहिए। Tu devrais dormir.
I never liked biology. मुझे जीव विज्ञान कभी भी पसंद नहीं था। Je n’ai jamais aimé la biologie.
No I’m not; you are! मैं नहीं हूँ, तुम हो! Non, je ne suis pas; tu es!
That’s MY line! वह तो मेरी लाईन है! C’est ma ligne!
Are you sure? पक्का? Es-tu sûr?
Hurry up. जल्दी करो! Dépêche-toi.

5. Implementaion

import pandas as pd

Reading our data. The data is in tsv (tab seperated value) format

fd = pd.read_csv("/content/test_data.tsv",sep='\t')

Displaying our data

                                  English  ...                                French
0                       Muiriel is 20 now.  ...       Muiriel a vingt ans maintenant.
1  Education in this world disappoints me.  ...  L'éducation dans ce monde me déçoit.
2                       That won't happen.  ...                  Cela n'arrivera pas.
3                              I miss you.  ...                        Tu me manques.
4                        You should sleep.  ...                    Tu devrais dormir.

[5 rows x 3 columns]
                 English  ...                            French
5  I never liked biology.  ...  Je n'ai jamais aimé la biologie.
6    No I'm not; you are!  ...       Non, je ne suis pas; tu es!
7         That's MY line!  ...                   C'est ma ligne!
8           Are you sure?  ...                        Es-tu sûr?
9               Hurry up.  ...                      Dépêche-toi.

[5 rows x 3 columns]

We need to input all these sentences into our transformer model. So we will rearrange all these sentences in one columns and their respective language in another column. This will also help us plot the data later with plotly

  1. We will create a copy of that dataframe i.e fd
  2. Then we will pivot or rearrange the dataframe using pd.melt pandas melt
  3. We will input all these sentences into our SentenceTransformer model
df = fd
df["id"] = df.index

Created an ID column it will later help us rearrange the dataframe

                                  English  ... id
0                       Muiriel is 20 now.  ...  0
1  Education in this world disappoints me.  ...  1
2                       That won't happen.  ...  2
3                              I miss you.  ...  3
4                        You should sleep.  ...  4

[5 rows x 4 columns]

Here we are rearranging our dataframe so that the [“id”] is is our unique id and the values will be the sentences in English,Hindi,French. The variable will then be our column names

df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=["id"],value_vars=["English","Hindi","French"])

Here this example data will make it clear

  id variable                                    value
0   0  English                       Muiriel is 20 now.
1   1  English  Education in this world disappoints me.
2   2  English                       That won't happen.
3   3  English                              I miss you.
4   4  English                        You should sleep.

Dropping “id” column, we don’t need it anymore and also renaming our columns to more suitable names

 Language                                 Sentence
0  English                       Muiriel is 20 now.
1  English  Education in this world disappoints me.
2  English                       That won't happen.
3  English                              I miss you.
4  English                        You should sleep.
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer

We are using “paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2” pre-trained model for our embeddings. In this case the Teacher model was paraphrase-mpnet-base-v2 and Student model was xlm-roberta-base


xlm roberta

pre-trained model list

Downloading the model might take some time

model = SentenceTransformer('paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2')

Passing our sentences to model

embeddings = model.encode(df['Sentence'])

To plot this data in 2D we need to convert the output of model which is in (768,) into a two dimensional space. Principal component analysis PCA is used to do it

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca = PCA(2)
#Transform the data
coordinates = pca.fit_transform(embeddings)

To plot with plotly we will need to append our x and y co-ordinates into our dataframe df

x_list = []
y_list = []
for x,y in coordinates:
df['x_value'] = x_list
df['y_value'] = y_list
 Language                                 Sentence   x_value   y_value
0  English                       Muiriel is 20 now. -0.901190 -0.654188
1  English  Education in this world disappoints me.  2.039421 -0.455700
2  English                       That won't happen.  0.187077 -0.644140
3  English                              I miss you. -0.088403  2.498857
4  English                        You should sleep. -0.079141  1.364437

Plot the data

import as px
fig = px.scatter(df, x="x_value", y="y_value", color="Language", hover_data=['Sentence'])


To view full interactive graph visit link

As you can see with the above graph sentences which are closer together semantically i.e sentences that mean the same thing are more closer to each other even though they are in different languages

Now to compare how effective this Knowledge distillation strategy is lets check with mBERT which is multi-lingual BERT which is not trained on parallel data.

First lets import mBERT from transformer library by huggingface transformer

from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertModel
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-multilingual-cased')
model1 = BertModel.from_pretrained("bert-base-multilingual-cased")

Lets give input to our BERT model

text = df['Sentence'].tolist()

First we tokenize the text and then give it as an input to model

encoded_input = tokenizer(text, return_tensors='pt' , padding=True)
output = model1(**encoded_input)

BERT outputs a dict with two keys we need the pooled output as our embeddings


Convert the tensor into numpy array

outp_mbert = output['pooler_output'].detach().numpy()

Again using PCA for dimensionality reduction

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca = PCA(2)
#Transform the data
coordinatesbert = pca.fit_transform(outp_mbert)

Adding the co-ordinates to our Dataframe

x_listbert = []
y_listbert = []
for x,y in coordinatesbert:
df["x_value_mbert"] = x_listbert
df["y_value_mbert"] = y_listbert

Plotting data

import as px
fig = px.scatter(df, x="y_value_mbert", y="x_value_mbert", color="Language", hover_data=['Sentence'])

mbert graph

To view full interactive graph visit link

You can clearly see that the Sentences with same meanining are not closer to each other but sentences with same languages are more closer to each other
